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Adult and Community Education

Adult Education

Free non-credit classes, start at any time, flexible attendance, for 18 and older only

College of the Redwoods Adult Education offers free classes and programs at numerous locations throughout Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. Programs are designed to increase educational attainment and career success by providing the preparation and skills needed for employment, continuing education, and personal growth.

How to Apply
  • Apply online through CCC Apply. 
  • OR Sign up when you attend your first class! 

Apply Today

Still have questions, contact an Adult Education Advisor. They are available at any time to assist you with applying and finding the correct classes.

Phone: 707-476-4500

Workforce & Community Education

Paid short-term vocational courses, possible sponsorships available

Workforce and Community Education (WCE) at College of the Redwoods partners with the community to contribute to the economic vitality of the region, provides workforce training to support local employers' needs, and provides lifelong learning opportunities within the District. 

Register for Classes

Registrations will be taken up until the first day of class if there are seats available. Early enrollment is preferred to ensure class meets the minimum enrollment requirement. All registrations are on a first come, first served basis. Payment is the only way to reserve a seat.

Register Today

Adult Ed Class Offerings

Do you need help learning or improving your English for everyday life, work, or school? ESL classes are offered at different levels and use an English-only learning model. We partner with the Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) to offer free child care at some of our community locations during class. Many of the ESL Classes offered can lead to a certificate.

¿Necesita ayuda para aprender o mejorar su inglés para la vida diaria, el trabajo o la escuela? Las clases de ESL se ofrecen en diferentes niveles y utilizan un modelo de aprendizaje solo en inglés. Nos asociamos con la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Humboldt (HCOE) para ofrecer cuidado infantil gratuito en algunas de nuestras ubicaciones comunitarias durante la clase y también hay clases en línea disponibles. Muchas de las clases de ESL que se ofrecen pueden conducir a un certificado.

View ESL Certificates


ESL 200: Fundamental English as a Second Language - Low Beginning (Fortuna)

ESL 210: Intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) - Low (Eureka Downtown)

ESL 200: Fundamental English as a Second Language (ESL) - Low Beginning (Eureka)

ESL 220 - English for Reading & Writing I - (Eureka)

ESL 230 - English for Listening, Speaking, & Pronunciation I - (Eureka Downtown)

ESL 225 Popular English (Eureka)

Set yourself up for success! Strengthen relationships at home, school, and in the community by learning American Sign Language. 

This class is for anyone interested in learning ASL including: family, friends, teachers, caregivers, paraprofessionals of the deaf & non-verbal signers.

WORK 282: Communicating in American Sign Language (Online)


  • Section: 058427
  • Starts: May 28, 2024
  • Ends: July 18, 2024
  • Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm 
  • Instructor: Sheila Jackson

Set yourself up for success! Strengthen relationships at home, school, and in the community. This class is for anyone interested in learning ASL including: family, friends, teachers, caregivers, paraprofessionals of the deaf and non-verbal signers. This course is for educators, service providers and community members who need to communicate with deaf, hard of hearing, or nonverbal people on a regular basis. Students will be introduced to the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) and the signs most commonly used in daily life. Topics include vocabulary related to everyday life situations, simple questions, and key cultural differences and expectations when communicating with people who are deaf or nonverbal. The emphasis is on functional language and communication skills.

Students meet online with the instructor during set dates and times.

The HiSET® exam is one of only two exams approved in the state of California to meet the requirements for a California High School Equivalency Certificate. It consists of five subject areas: Reading, Writing, Science, Social Science, and Mathematics. There is an individual test for each subject area. The tests are taken one at a time. Successful completion of all five subject tests satisfies the requirements for the High School Equivalency Certificate. HiSET tests are available in both English and Spanish.

College of the Redwoods offers both a preparation class to take and pass the HiSET® as well as HiSET® testing. The preparation class is free; however, a fee is charged to take the HiSET® tests. See below for current free classes. Funding is also available to cover test costs.

To access online testing resources including practice tests and to schedule your exam, visit the HiSET® website:

Find test prep materials including free practice tests here:

Learn More about the HiSET Test

For more information on registering for HiSET tests, please call (707) 476-4527 or (707)-476-4500 or email 

Testing Times and Dates (Students must register 24 hours prior to test) 

  • Eureka (525 D St., Eureka, CA 95501) 
    Every Thursday at 9:00am 
    Every last Thursday of the month at 7:00pm 
  • Hoopa (29 Orchard Rd, Hoopa, CA 95546) 
    Every last Tuesday of the month at 9:00am and 12:00pm 
  • Crescent City (883 W Washington Blvd, Crescent City, CA 95531) 
    Every first Tuesday of the Month at 6:00pm

EDUC 225: High School Equivalency / GED Prep (Online)

EDUC 225: High School Equivalency / GED Prep: Math & Science Focus (Eureka)

EDUC 225: High School Equivalency / GED Prep: LATE START (Eureka)

College Preparation

Improve basic academic skills like reading, writing, and math to prepare for college level coursework. Many of these college preparation programs lead to a noncredit certificate.


EDUC 207: Getting Started with Computers (Eureka T/Th)

ESL 200: Fundamental English as a Second Language (ESL) - Low Beginning (Online)

EDUC 207: Getting Started with Computers (Eureka / Saturdays)

EDUC 225: High School Equivalency / GED Prep: LATE START (Eureka)


College of the Redwoods Adult & Community Education offers training to become a Certified Medical Assistant. This noncredit class in a Hybrid format online with in-class labs includes clinical rotation at a local medical office. Front and back Office Medical Assistant skills will be covered in an interactive classroom format. 

View the Medical Assisting Program Class Details

Prepare for the workforce and increase employable skills!


EDUC 207: Getting Started with Computers (Eureka / Saturdays)

More Adult Education Details, offerings, and information

Community Ed Class Offerings

Truck Driving Program

Truck Driving Refresher Course

Students are eligible to attend a refresher class if they have attended an approved truck-driving program (reviewed on a case-by-case basis) or previously had a CDL that was downgraded from a Class A or expired in the past 2 years.

Call (707) 476-4500 for more information and scheduling.

Student will be required to submit the following:

  • Copy of current driver's license
  • Copy of CDL Permit
  • DOT Medical Exam
  • Driving record printout
  • Pass a drug test through our testing site
  • Must register on the FMSCA Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse -

10 hours $1,095 /// 5 hours $695

These classes are not available from Mid-November to Mid- February.

Health Care

Workforce & Community Education offers a variety of Health Care courses for those looking for a new career or to keep their current certification. Classes include: Pharmacy Technician, Medical Assisting, Phlebotomy, EMT Refresher, IV Therapy, Venipuncture, Injections, among others.

Phlebotomy - Del Norte  Phlebotomy - Eureka

Looking for other Healthcare classes?

Check out College of the Redwoods Health Occupations where you can become a Dental Assistant, Licensed Vocational Nurse, Registered Nurse, EMT/Paramedic and more!

  • Section: 058929
  • Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Fee: $200.00
  • Class Limit: 20
  • Location: Eureka Downtown - 525 D Street
  • Instructor: James Gordon 

Registration form below. Complete and email to:

This one-day injections training is for those who are employed, or seeking employment, in a medical office setting and will be working under the supervision of a physician. It meets the standards and qualifications established by the Division of Allied Health Professionals, Board of Medical Quality Assurance, and State of California. Please bring a calculator to class.

Course Objectives:

  • Know Universal Precautions
  • Know the Injection sites
  • How to administer a Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, Intradermal injection
  • How to calculate drug dosage correctly
Documents to download
  • Section: 058930
  • Day/Date: Wednesday, December 11th, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Fee: $200.00
  • Class Limit: 16
  • Location: Eureka Downtown - 525 D Street
  • Instructor: James Gordon

This one-day blood draw training is for those who are employed, or seeking employment, in a medical office setting and will be working under the supervision of a physician. It meets the standards and qualifications established by the Division of Allied Health Professionals, Board of Medical Quality Assurance, and State of California.

This class is not applicable for CT Venipuncture certification.

Documents to download

Next class: Friday, October 4, 2024

Registration form, flyer and release of information (ROI) form locared at the bottom of this page.

  • Section: 058740
  • Time: 8:00am - 5:30pm
  • Location: 525 D Street, Eureka
  • Fee: $150 to College of the Redwoods (Plus a $40 check made payable to the Secretary of State)
  • Student Capacity: 20
  • Instructor: Masters Notary Academy

Masters Notary Academy shall present the approved Notary Public course for the State of California. We shall provide the necessary materials required for the class including: an extensive workbook, State paperwork, code book and handouts necessary for the course. All materials will be distributed in class. Our course is structured to accommodate the newly commissioned or re-commissioning notary requiring the mandatory 6 hours of instruction required by the state exam. Please call us regarding re-test (only for students who have taken this course with us and not passed).

The following items will be used to create a packet to be sent to the State of California:

  • Please bring a $40 check payable to the Secretary of State.
  • Passport Photos: Please bring one with you or have take advantage of the In-class passport photo service. Inclass service is $10.00. Cash or check accepted. Make checks payable to Master's Noraty Academy
  • LiveScan: Instructor will address in class.

NEXT CLASSES: these classes are typically held in January. April, July and October. Registration will open ONLY for the upcoming class

Documents to download


Registration will open in July
  • Section: tbd
  • Online Informational Meetings:
    Tuesday, Sepember 10 at 6:00pm online via ZOOM (click ZOOM to join)
  • Meeting ID: 896 7380 4798 // Passcode: 691934
  • Program Dates: October 1,, 2024 - March 6, 2025
  • Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Times: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
  • Fee: $1,599. (Does not include books - costs approximately $400)
  • Payment Plan: Requires a $20 enrollment fee and must be processed using a debit/credit card. $500 down and $366.33/month for three (3) months. Payment plans are coordinated with our partners at NelNet. Call our office for details / how to sign up.
  • Location: Online
    Students will need to have access to internet, PC, laptop, or tablet and access to a printer in order to participate. This fully online program is taught by a live-instructor, in real-time, in a virtual classroom using Zoom technology. Class time is engaging, and students are encouraged to interact with their instructor and fellow students.
  • Instructor: Novella Reed-Miles

Program Description:
Medical Billing and Coding Specialists play a vital role in today's healthcare industry. Whether employed by a private practice, hospital, clinic, surgery center, or other setting, medical billers and coders use codes to document patient diagnoses and treatments. Their duties include reading and analyzing patient records, determining correct codes for patient records, using codes to bill insurance providers, keeping track of patient data, managing detailed, specifically coded information, and HIPAA compliance.

Topics covered include medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, medical billing functions, insurance guidelines and compliance training, legal and ethical issues, and basic diagnostic and procedural coding. National certification exam through the National Healthcareer Association and exam preparation materials are included with the program. It is also recommended, but not required that students sit for the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) exam offered through AAPC.

Must be 18+ years. A high school diploma or GED is required for NHA certification.

Salary Information: $43,531 (median) (Source: $43, 531 (Median) (Source: )

Job Growth: 21.5% from 2016-2026 (Source: 21.5% from 2016-2026 (Source: )

Documents to download


Registration will open in July
  • Section: 
    Saturday, September 21, , 2024 at 11:00am, via ZOOM  (click ZOOM to join meeting)
  • Meeting ID: 828 2518 0608 // Passcode: 273110
  • Program Dates: October 12, 2024 - March 22, 2025
  • Days/Times: Saturdays 9:00am - 12:30pm
    Tuesdays 6:00pm - 9:30pm
  • Fee: $2,399 (Does not include books*)
    *Textbooks are sold separately at an additional cost of approximately $245 with shipping
  • Student Capacity: 25
  • Payment plan: All payment plans require a $20 enrollment fee and must be processed using a debit/credit card. $1,000 down and about $350 per month for four (4) months or $500 down and about $475 per month for four (4) months Payment plans are coordinated with our partners at NelNet. Call our office for details / how to sign up.
  • Location: Online
    Students will need to have access to internet, PC, laptop, or tablet and access to a printer in order to participate. This fully online program is taught by a live-instructor, in real-time, in a virtual classroom using Zoom technology. Class time is engaging, and students are encouraged to interact with their instructor and fellow students.
  • Instructor: Sonia Dominguez

Become a Pharmacy Technician in just 7 months! Train to assist the pharmacist in preparing and mixing prescriptions, maintaining patient records, purchasing and inventory management, billing and reimbursement, and more.

Topics include:

  • Pharmacology for technicians
  • Pharmacy law and regulations
  • Sterile and non-sterile compounding
  • Quality assurance 
  • Medication safety 

The pharmacy technician program includes a 120-hour externship, where the student will receive hands-on training in a local pharmacy under the direction of a pharmacist. This program prepares students to sit for the PTCE and ExCPT exams (not included in fee) and meets the training requirements for licensure by the California Board of Pharmacy. The following math skills are necessary to pass the pharmacy technician program: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios and percentages.

Students are required to have a high school diploma or GED in order to apply for licensure in CA. For licensure, students will need to undergo a background check. Felonies and misdemeanors especially recently in areas involving drugs/alcohol, theft and multiple arrests could impact a student's ability to obtain a license.

Documents to download

Workforce & Community Education is now able to offer a variety of online classes that can help a student to improve their job skills or train to enter a new career. In addition, a variety of Personal Enrichment courses are available for a student to explore topics for fun or expanding your mind.  

Additional Online courses will be available shortly that will allow a student to gain more skills or training in a particular career.

Additional Online Classes

Cannabis Business Training Program

Home Inspection Certification Program


If you are a student with a disability, an English Language Learner, or need any other type of assistance, contact us and and our Student Development Advisor will be happy to help.

Si usted es un estudiante con una discapacidad o un estudiante de habla hispana o necesita cualquier otro tipo de asistencia, comuníquese con nosotros y nuestro asesor de desarrollo estudiantil estará encantado de ayudarlo. 

Phone: 707-476-4500

Buscando Información en Español

Available Student Services 

  • Advising 
  • Enrollment assistance 
  • Schedule Planning 
  • Accessing Student Accounts 
  • Accessing Student Email 
  • 1-on-1 Assistance 
  • More...

NCAEC (North Coast Adult Education Consortium)



Contact Us

Eureka Downtown Site

Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm